Youth Council Pakistan: Achieving Young Dreams

VISION: Youth Council Pakistan YCP is Empowering the young people by providing them research as well as a social platform in order to develop a unified voice that leads to collective action toward social, economic, and environmental progress.


To provide research & educational resources, leadership & skill grooming opportunities, and a diverse network to support young people in developing moral values, entrepreneurial projects, and campaigns to address global issues and support sustainable development on a local, regional and international level.

What does YCP value?

Youth Council Pakistan YCP upholds the dignity of Pakistan’s flag. It’s our identity and pride. It is a symbol of our sacrifices, so we must uphold its grandeur even if it cost our lives. Having respect for the National Flag shows the moral values of the citizens of a country.


Youth Council Pakistan YCP is a research and social welfare youth platform established in 2015 through the social awareness and poor, uplifting program by college students in the leadership of Muhammad Shehzad. It has been working to spread awareness against gender-based violence, social uplifting of poor masses, and to awaken, systematize and activate the communities for the realization of human development efforts, focusing on the rule of law and increasing attention towards policy and law reform in the form of investments in justice, peace and strengthening of democratic institutions through advocacy, human rights and social welfare.

The future of a nation lies in the hands of its posterity. The quality of its people determines the kind of future the nation will have. So, if we want to ensure a bright future for our country, we first need to strengthen and empower our people, especially the youth. The civilized human resources of any nation and society are its potential energy. Suppose we can harness this powerhouse of the nation in the right direction. As a result, the country can reach untold heights.

Youth Council Pakistan YCP OBJECTIVES:

a) To contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the Pakistan’s

Constitution & UN Resolutions by promoting mutual collaboration among young people and working in partnership with state and non-state actors to empower the young people of Pakistan, without distinction of race, ethnic origin, caste, color, sex, gender, sexual orientation, disability, special needs, socio-economic status, marital status, language, religious belief or political opinion.

b) To be a centre for mobilising, harmonising, recognising, utilising,

And prioritizing the voices and actions of young people in the advancement of youth; and to be a unified voice for youth in Pakistan and to encourage and extend, as appropriate, assistance to all the provinces, federally-administered areas, and alley countries of Pakistan, in the promotion and acceleration of their youth development strategies.

c) To advocate the inclusion and encourage the government to include

Young people in delegations to national & international functions and as members, in particular, ministerial meetings, Head of Government meetings, Senate/National Assembly sessions, Senate/National Assembly standing committee meetings, and United Nations meetings; and to support young people’s participation in election observer missions, National & Provincial cabinet meetings, and other governmental meetings.